BARBAN – Svoj 36 nastup u
Barbanu, gdje i živi, Bruno Kožljan ovjenčao je pobjedom. Slavodobitnik 41. trke
na prstenac je Bruno Kožljan najstariji sudionik trke koji je u 55 godini
života kojemu je ovo trći puta u životu da prima glavnu nagradu ali i veliku
čast ravnu alkarima iz Sinja. Slavodobitnik je nagrađen novčanom nagradom od
30.000 kuna. Istarski župan Valter Flego mu je uručio Pticu prstenac, rad
kipara Josipa Diminić, a predsjednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović prijelazni
predsjednički štit. Trka na prstenac je viteška igra koja se održava trećeg
vikenda u kolovozu u Barbanu, koja je zadnjih godina postala zaštitnim znakom
tog mjesta, te jedna od najpoznatijih ljetnih priredbi u Istri. Prvi zapisi o
trci na prstenac potječu iz 1696. godine, kada ju je organizirala mletačka
obitelj Loredan (pod čijim je vlasništvu tada bio Barban) kako bi u vrijeme
sajamskih priredbi privukli što više posjetitelja. Natjecatelji su većinom bili
plemići i građani iz istarskih gradova koji su posjedovali konja i vitešku
opremu. Trka je, na temelju povijesnih zapisa, ponovno obnovljena 1976. godine.
BJELOVAR - In an attempt to continue its work in the future Bjelovar Fair has created another show, The Fifth Element. The latest trade fair Bjelovar Fair will be held at the exhibition space Gudovac near the town of Bjelovar, in the period from 9 - 11.9. 2016. This is a fair dedicated to heating and renewable energy. Fair The fifth element is held within the Autumn Fair, the special separate exhibition space, and the goal is to gather in one place and show everyone interested in the field of heating and renewable energy. Renewable energy sources are increasingly important in our daily lives and this issue deserves its own event and detailed presentation of the general public. Last spring presented also a new exhibition event related to equipment for forestry and wood technology - WOOD WORLD.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBJELOVAR - ඉදිරියට කරගෙන යාම සඳහා අනාගත Bjelovar සාධාරණ තම වැඩ කටයුතු තවත් සංදර්ශනයක් පස්වන මූලද්රව්ය නිර්මාණය කර ඇත උත්සාහයක් දී. 11.9 - නවතම වෙළඳ ප්රදර්ශනය Bjelovar සාධාරණ 9 දක්වා වූ කාලය තුළ, ප්රදර්ශනය අවකාශය Gudovac Bjelovar නගරය අසල දී පැවැත්වේ. 2016. මෙම උණුසුම හා පුනර්ජනනීය බලශක්ති කැප සාධාරණ වේ. සාධාරණ පස්වන අංගයක් ටු ඕටම් ෆෙයාර්, විශේෂ වෙනම ප්රදර්ශනය අවකාශය තුළ පැවැත්, සහ ඉලක්කය එක් තැනක රැස් හා උනුසුම් සහ පුනර්ජනනීය බල ශක්ති ක්ෂේත්රය ගැන උනන්දුවක් සෑම පෙන්වන්න වේ. පුනර්ජනනීය බලශක්ති ප්රභවයන් අපගේ එදිනෙදා ජීවිතය තුළ වඩ වඩාත් වැදගත් වන අතර මෙම ප්රශ්නය එහි ම සිද්ධියක් හා සාමාන්ය ජනතාව සවිස්තරාත්මකව ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම ඔවුන්ට ලැබිය යුතු ය. වුඩ් ලෝක - පසුගිය වසන්තයේදී ද වන වගා සහ දැව තාක්ෂණය සඳහා වූ උපකරණ හා සම්බන්ධ නව ප්රදර්ශන අවස්ථාවට ඉදිරිපත් කරන ලදී.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBJELOVAR - In einem Versuch, seine Arbeit in der Zukunft Bjelovar Messe weiterhin hat eine weitere Show, The Fifth Element erstellt. 11.9 - Die neueste Messe Bjelovar Messe wird auf der Ausstellungsfläche Gudovac in der Nähe der Stadt Bjelovar, in der Zeit von 9 gehalten werden. 2016. Dies ist eine Messe zu Heizung und erneuerbare Energien gewidmet. Messe Das fünfte Element wird in der Herbstmesse , die besondere separaten Ausstellungsraum statt, und das Ziel ist, an einem Ort zu sammeln und zeigen alle Interessierten im Bereich der Heizung und erneuerbare Energien. Erneuerbare Energien sind zunehmend an Bedeutung in unserem täglichen Leben und dieses Thema verdient eine eigene Veranstaltung und ausführliche Darstellung der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit. Im vergangenen Frühjahr präsentiert auch eine neue Veranstaltung Ausstellung Ausrüstung für die Forst- und Holztechnik in Verbindung stehend - WOOD WORLD.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBJELOVAR - Nel tentativo di continuare il suo lavoro in futuro Bjelovar Fiera ha creato un altro show, Il quinto elemento. L'ultima fiera Bjelovar Fiera si terrà presso lo spazio espositivo Gudovac vicino alla città di Bjelovar, nel periodo 9-11,9. 2016. Si tratta di una fiera dedicata al riscaldamento e delle energie rinnovabili. Fiera Il quinto elemento si svolge all'interno della Fiera d'autunno, lo spazio espositivo speciale separata, e l'obiettivo è quello di raccogliere in un unico luogo e mostrare a tutti interessati al settore del riscaldamento e delle energie rinnovabili. Le fonti energetiche rinnovabili sono sempre più importante nella nostra vita quotidiana e la questione merita un proprio evento e la presentazione dettagliata del pubblico in generale. La scorsa primavera ha presentato anche un nuovo evento espositivo legate alle attrezzature per la tecnologia forestale e del legno - WOOD MONDO.
OdgovoriIzbrišiCroatia, Istria region - Thanks to the Mediterranean climate, which is mixed with a mild continental, in northwestern Istria is a pleasant stay all year. Hot and dry summers bring a lot of sunshine, and mild and rainy winters are much softer character than those in the interior of the continent. Umag, Umag, Porec, Rovinj and its surroundings due to the occasional influx of alpine air with a pleasant summer heat, so residents and guests of this region enjoy one of najblagotvornijih air and on a global scale. The crystal clear sea along the coast of Umag and Novigrad is very suitable for swimming - swimming season begins in May and often lasts until October. More in the period from June to September heat up to very comfortable 23 to 27 ° C, while the salinity is 36-38 ‰. Some of the most beautiful beaches in Croatia are located in the north-western Istria, and on them Blue Flag, a prestigious designation of ecological balance. While light breeze breeze brings freshness in the hot summer days, the other winds typical for the region occur mainly off-season. Bora is a strong and cold winter wind; blowing from land to sea, and many of her rejoice because dispels the clouds and brings bright weather. Poorer and warmer south in turn brings clouds and rain, blowing from the sea to the mainland. Northwestern Istria is a place with relatively little rain, which over the years has between 700 and 1000 mm. Summers are mostly dry, while winters bring something more rainy days. Rainfall is more abundant in the interior and hilly areas and scarce in the western coastal belt. Snow in NW Istria occurs rarely and briefly holds. The ideal time to visit the north-western Istria is the period from April to October, although the Adriatic region can comfortably travel at any time of year. The favorable climate is certainly one of the precious trump Umag, Novigrad, Western Istria, Istrian town in which many find ideal conditions for quality vacation.
OdgovoriIzbrišiCroatie, région Istrie - Merci au climat méditerranéen, qui est mélangé avec un doux continental, dans le nord-ouest de l'Istrie est un séjour agréable toute l'année. Les étés chauds et secs apportent beaucoup de soleil, et des hivers doux et pluvieux sont de caractère beaucoup plus doux que ceux de l'intérieur du continent. Umag, Umag, Porec, Rovinj et ses environs en raison de l'afflux de temps en temps de l'air alpin avec une chaleur estivale agréable, afin que les résidents et les invités de cette région bénéficient d'un air najblagotvornijih et à l'échelle mondiale. La mer cristalline le long de la côte de Umag et Novigrad est très approprié pour la baignade - saison de natation débute en mai et dure jusqu'à Octobre souvent. Plus la période de Juin à Septembre chauffer jusqu'à très confortable 23 au 27 ° C, tandis que la salinité est 36-38 ‰. Certaines des plus belles plages en Croatie sont situés dans le nord-ouest de l'Istrie, et sur eux Pavillon Bleu, une désignation prestigieuse de l'équilibre écologique. Alors que la brise légère brise apporte de la fraîcheur dans les chaudes journées d'été, les autres vents typiques de la région se produisent surtout hors saison. Bora est un vent d'hiver fort et froid; soufflant de la terre à la mer, et beaucoup de ses réjouisse parce dissipe les nuages et apporte temps clair. Poorer et plus chaud au sud, à son tour apporte des nuages et la pluie, soufflant de la mer vers le continent. Nord-Ouest de l'Istrie est un endroit relativement peu de pluie qui, au fil des ans a entre 700 et 1000 mm. Les étés sont généralement sec, tandis que les hivers apporter quelque chose de plus pluvieux jours. Les précipitations sont plus abondantes dans les régions de l'intérieur et de collines et rares dans la bande côtière occidentale. Neige dans NW Istria se produit rarement et détient brièvement. Le moment idéal pour visiter le nord-ouest de l'Istrie est la période d'Avril à Octobre, bien que la région adriatique peut confortablement voyager à tout moment de l'année. Le climat favorable est certainement l'un des atout précieux Umag, Novigrad, Istrie occidentale, ville istrienne où beaucoup trouvent des conditions idéales pour des vacances de qualité.