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Suton u Umagu Foto: N.Šantalab mobitelom |
UMAG – Luka Umag i ACI Marina
nalaze se na sjeverozapadnoj obali Istre i prvi su nautički ulazi u Hrvatsku iz
središnje Europe. Udaljenost od Trsta je 40 km i 50 nautičkih milja od
Venecije. Grad datira još iz rimskih vremena i smješten je u zaljevu u kojem
dominira ACI marina Umag. Marina raspolaže s 475 vezova i prima megajahte do 40
m dužine. Gosti, nautičari mahom odabiru Umag zbog nekih od najboljih hrvatskih
vina koje prati superiorna gastronomska ponuda, pa se smatra da je ACI-jeva
marina Umag idealna polazna luka za sve nautičare u potrazi za gastro i
eno-doživljajima. Osim toga, Umag se, zahvaljujući iznimnoj tradiciji sportskog
i rekreacijskog turizma, smatra sportskom prijestolnicom Istre pa svojim
posjetiteljima omogućuje bavljenje nizom sportskih aktivnosti – od golfa,
tenisa i biciklizma, do ronjenja, planinarenja i speleologije. U ovom području Istre
postoji oko 85 teniskih terena. Sadržaji koji se nude za nautičare u Umagu su recepcija
s mjenjačnicom, bankomat, restoran, prodavaonica mješovitom robom i
prehrambenim artiklima, prodavaonica nautičke opreme i odjeće, kozmetički salon,
servisna radionica, travel lift nosivosti 100 tona, sanitarni čvor sa zasebnim
odjeljkom za invalide, praonica rublja, parkiralište za osobna vozila, wlan
sustav za pristup internetu, crpka za gorivo, Tesla Destination Charging: 2
Tesla Only električne punionice snage do 22kW, 1 Tesla Universal električna
punionica snage do 22kW. Umag je dobro cestama povezan s cijelom Europom, a u
krugu stotinjak kilometara nalaze se tri međunarodne zračne luke Pula (80 km),
Trst (70 km) i Ljubljana (134 km). Udaljenosti: Trst – 40 km, Milano – 470 km,
Graz – 330 km, Beč – 540 km, München – 450 km, Budimpešta – 640 km. Pri
uplovljavanju posebnu pozornost treba obratiti na pličinu Paklena koja se
nalazi pola milje sjeveroistočno od ulaza u luku. Pličina Paklena označena je
svjetionikom karakteristika B C Bl (2) 8s 10m 8/6 M. Točan položaj pličine
Paklena je 45°26,5’ N 13°30,3’ E. Luka je otvorena prema sjeverozapadu, a u
luku se uplovljava između osvijetljene crvene plutače (C Bl 3s 2M) i zelene
neosvijetljene plutače. Sjeverno, odmah do crvene plutače, na jednom grebenu
stoji oznaka koju se mora zaobići s južne strane (crno-žuta). Preporučljivi
kurs pri uplovljavanju je 60°. Svjetlo na lukobranu (C Bl (3) 3s 8m 4M)
uočljivo je nakon zaobilaženja plutača. Dubina vode u tako označenom kanalu
iznosi 4 m. Preporučuje se koristiti službene pomorske navigacijske karte
izdanja HHI – Split: 100-15, MK-1 i Plan 1.
UMAG - Port Umag and ACI Marina are located on the northwestern coast of Istria and are the first nautical entry into Croatia from central Europe. Distance from Trieste is 40 km and 50 nautical miles from Venice. The town dates back to Roman times and is situated in a bay dominated by the ACI marina Umag. The Marina has 475 berths and receives mega yachts up to 40 m in length. Guests, boaters, will mostly choose Umag because of some of the finest Croatian wines accompanied by a superior gastronomic offer, so ACI's marina Umag is considered to be an ideal starting point for all boaters in search of gastronomy and eno-experiences. In addition, Umag, due to the exceptional tradition of sports and recreational tourism, considers Istria's sporting capital to offer its visitors a range of sports activities - from golf, tennis and biking to diving, hiking and speleology. There are about 85 tennis courts in this area of Istria. The facilities offered to sailors in Umag include a reception desk with exchange office, ATM, restaurant, grocery store and grocery store, nautical equipment and clothing store, beauty salon, workshop, 100 tonnes travel lift, sanitary node with separate section for the disabled, laundry service, parking lot for cars, wlan internet access system, fuel pump, Tesla Destination Charging: 2 Tesla Only power packs up to 22kW, 1 Tesla Universal electric power pack up to 22kW. Umag is well-connected to all Europe, and within a hundred kilometers there are three international airports Pula (80 km), Trieste (70 km) and Ljubljana (134 km). Distances: Trieste - 40 km, Milan - 470 km, Graz - 330 km, Vienna - 540 km, Munich - 450 km, Budapest - 640 km. When entering the harbor, pay particular attention to the pebble of the Paklena which is half a mile northeast of the entrance to the harbor. The Peak of Paklena is marked by a lighthouse characteristic of BC Bl (2) 8s 10m 8/6 M. The exact position of the rapids is 45 ° 26.5 'N 13 ° 30.3' E. The harbor is open towards the northwest and the harbor is illuminated between the illuminated red buoys (C Bl 3s 2M) and green undeclared buoys. To the north, right down to the red buoys, there is a marker on one reef which must be offset from the south (black and yellow). The recommended course is 60 °. The shutter light (C Bl (3) 3s 8m 4M) is noticeable after the buoy is disturbed. The water depth in the so-called channel is 4 m. It is recommended to use the official maritime navigation charts of HHI-Split: 100-15, MK-1 and Plan 1.