Na zapadnoj istarskoj obali, na samo 10 km od slovenske granice i uz rt Savudriju najzapadnije je mjesto u Hrvatskoj, Umag. Umag je ljeti izrazito turističko mjesto s puno društvenih događanja iza kojih stoji uglavnom Grad Umag i njegove tvrtke i ustanove. Prirodne ljepote, zemljopisni položaj bili su presudni za razvoj turizma. Razvoj turizma u direktnoj je vezi i s razvojem poljoprivrede. Plodno tlo oko Umaga je naročito pogodno za uzgoj maslina i vinove loze, tradicionalnih kultura karakterističnih za mediteransko podneblje. S uzgojem vinove loze, razvijeno je i vinarstvo. Nadaleko su poznata i cijenjena vina Istre čiji su proizvođači uvršteni u vinsku cestu ovog kraja. Agroturizam u Umagu privlači sve više turista koji tragaju za neobičnim i nesvakidašnjim prizorima i lokacijama. Osim toga Umag se može pohvaliti i sa sjedištem najboljeg oglasnika imena Butiga. Butiga je internetski oglasnik, blog i facebook grupa za solidarnu razmjenu informacija o prodajnim i kupovnim potrebama građana Umaga, okolice Umaga, Istre, Hrvatske ali i okolnih područja u drugim državama, prvenstveno Slovenije, Italije, Austrije i drugih.
On the western coast of Istria,
only 10 km from the Slovenian border and close to the cape Savudrija is the
westernmost town in Croatia, Umag. Umag is a tourist place in the summer with a
lot of social events that are backed mainly Umag and its businesses and
The natural beauty, geographic location were crucial for the development of tourism. The development of tourism is directly linked with the development of agriculture. Fertile soil around Umaga is particularly suitable for the cultivation of olive trees and vines, traditional culture characteristic of the Mediterranean region. The viticulture, developed and Enology. Widely known and respected wine producers in Istria which are included in the wine road of the area. Agritourism in Umag attracts more tourists who are looking for unusual and extraordinary sights and locations. Besides Umag boasts based Best Magazine names Butiga. Grocery store is a classified ads portal, blog and facebook group for solidarity exchange of information on sales and purchasing needs of the citizens of Umag, Umag, Istria, Croatian as well as surrounding areas in other countries, primarily Slovenia, Italy, Austria and others.
The natural beauty, geographic location were crucial for the development of tourism. The development of tourism is directly linked with the development of agriculture. Fertile soil around Umaga is particularly suitable for the cultivation of olive trees and vines, traditional culture characteristic of the Mediterranean region. The viticulture, developed and Enology. Widely known and respected wine producers in Istria which are included in the wine road of the area. Agritourism in Umag attracts more tourists who are looking for unusual and extraordinary sights and locations. Besides Umag boasts based Best Magazine names Butiga. Grocery store is a classified ads portal, blog and facebook group for solidarity exchange of information on sales and purchasing needs of the citizens of Umag, Umag, Istria, Croatian as well as surrounding areas in other countries, primarily Slovenia, Italy, Austria and others.
Grad Umag, Butiga je najbolji oglasnik na prostoru Balkana !
OdgovoriIzbrišiВідпочинок в Хорватії ніколи не була більш сприятливою. Дешева нерухомість, квартири, будинки, земельні ділянки, тепер ще ближче. Potrežite на нашому сайті всі об'єкти в Умазі, подивіться на плями канікул, і ви можете вже в останню хвилину, щоб замовити свято. Сторінка Умаг-Umago, що, безумовно, буде корисним.
OdgovoriIzbrišiUrlaub in Kroatien war noch nie günstiger gewesen. Günstige Immobilien, Wohnungen, Häuser, Grundstücke , sind jetzt sogar noch näher. Potrežite auf unserer Website alle Eigenschaften in Umag, Blick auf Urlaubsorte und Sie können bereits in der letzten Minute Urlaub zu buchen. Seite Umag-Umago, die sicherlich hilfreich sein.
OdgovoriIzbrišiFerier i Kroatia har aldri vært mer gunstig. Billig eiendom, leiligheter, hus, land, er nå enda nærmere. Potrežite på vår hjemmeside alle eiendommer i Umag, se på ferie flekker, og du kan allerede i siste minutt for å bestille ferie. Page Umag-Umago som vil sikkert være nyttig.