11. 08. 2016.

Croatia is glittering waters

UMAG TODAY - Croatia is a country situated in Southeast Europe. It is to the east side of the Adriatic Sea, to the east of Italy. It is also bordered by Slovenia to the northwest, Hungary to the north, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the southeast, Serbia in the east, and Montenegro to the south. The Croats settled in the region in the early 7th century and formed two principalities: Croatia and Pannonia. The establishment of the Trpimirović dynasty ca 850 brought strengthening to the Dalmatian Croat Duchy, which together with the Pannonian principality became a kingdom in 925 under King Tomislav. Independent Croatian kingdom lasted until 1102 when Croatia, after a series of dynastic struggles entered into a personal union with Hungary, with Hungarian king ruling over both countries. In 1526, after the Battle of Mohács, where Hungary suffered a catastrophic defeat against Ottoman Turks,
Croatia severed it's relationship with Hungary and its parliament (Sabor) voted to form a new personal union with the Habsburg Monarchy. Croatia remained an autonomous kingdom within the Hapsburg state (and later Austria-Hungary) until the empire's dissolution following defeat in World War I. In 1918, a short lived State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs (carved out of south slavic parts of Austria-Hungary) joined Kingdom of Serbia to form the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later renamed Yugoslavia in 1929. The new state was unitarist in character, erasing all historical borders within it's new territorial division, which resulted in a strong movement for more autonomy for Croatia. This was achieved in 1939, only days before the start of World War II, when Croatia was granted broad autonomy within Yugoslavia as Banovina of Croatia. When Germany and Italy attacked Yugoslavia in 1941, the state was dissolved, parts of it annexed to Germany and Italy, and puppet governments installed in Croatia and Serbia - in the "Independent State of Croatia"'s case, said government was led by the brutal pro-Nazi group known as the Ustasha. Almost immediately, a strong resistance movement was formed, led by communist leader Josip Broz "Tito" (an ethnic Croat), which gained broad popular support. After the end of World War II, a new, communist Yugoslavia was formed with Tito becoming "president for life". Tito ruled with a strong hand, using political repression and secret police to quell any separatist sentiments, with the official motto of the new country being "Brotherhood and Union". Still, due to the fact that Yugoslavia didn't belong to the Warsaw Pact, having broken off political ties with USSR in 1948, it was by far the most open socialist country in Europe and its citizens enjoyed more civil liberties and a higher living standard compared to the rest of the Communist bloc. After Tito's death in 1980, the weakening of political repression led to a period of political instability. Faced with the rise of nationalist sentiment, a decade-long recession, and the weakening of communist grip on power on the eve of the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, first free elections were held in Yugoslavia in almost 45 years. In these elections, nationalist options won power in all Yugoslav republics, which led to rise in inter-ethnic tensions, culminating when Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. This led to open war in newly independent Croatia and later in Bosnia and Herzegovina which declared its independence in 1992. The wars ended four years later, in 1995, with decisive Croatian victory in operation Storm, bringing peace to both countries. The anniversary of operation Storm is celebrated as Thanksgiving Day in Croatia every August 5th. After a period of accelerated economic growth in the late 90's and 2000's Croatia joined NATO in 2009 and the EU in 2013. Croatia today is a functioning liberal democracy, with a free market system and a robust welfare state.

1 komentar:

  1. Встреча Истрия в Хорватии - Средневековые городки

    В первые столетия раннего средневековья и Истрию прорываются племена варваров. В то время, как авары и лангобарды производили небольшие набеги и в основном не задерживались в Истрии, славяне распространились по всему полуострову и заняли значительную чать центрального региона.

    В 788 году Истрия входит в состав франкского королевства, которое вводит феодальную систему, способствует заселению полуострова славянами, часто на земельные территории во владении городов. Тем самым города теряют самоуправление (наследованное еще с римских времен) и слабеют, растет сила Церкви, на власть которой особенно опирался Карл Великий. С ослаблением Франкского королевства и его уменьшением, Истрия попадает сначала под власть Итальянского королевства, затем в 952 году присоединяется к Баварскому герцогству, в 976 входит в состав герцогства Каринтия, чтобы в итоге в11 веке стать самостоятельной территорией под властью церкви, т.е. патриарха Аквилеи (северная Италия) и частью немецкой феодальной семьи.

    Различные интересы (церковь, немецкое дворянство, Венецианская Республика) на территории всего истрийского полуострова постоянно вызывали новые стычки, раздоры и разорения, в которых больше всего страдало менее защищенное деревенское население. 
Городки в центральной Истрии чаще всего были расположены на верхушках холмов, которые предоставляли естественную защиту. Кроме того, города из-за частых нападений соседних феодалов или Венеции, огораживаются городскими стенами с рядом башен и часто поднимающимся мостом. Несмотря на то, что извне он выглядет как крепость, внутри стен переплетаются узкие улочки, которые повторяют изгибы крепостных стен. Центром городской жизни являются церковь и площадь. Городская ложа появляется в конце среднего века с усилением урбанистической культуры. Это место встречи граждан, место принятия решения городских глав. Они использовались во всех случаях общественной жизни. Если они находились вне стен, у входных башен или ворот, то служили убежищем для путешественников в то время, когда городские ворота были закрыты.


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