PORTOROŽ – Aero susret u našem
susjedstvu. Proizvođači avio opreme i Aerodrom Portorož u subotu 17. lipnja organiziraju
„Aviation day“. U vremenu od 10 do 17 sati kada se planira roštilj proizvođači
opreme kao što su Garmin, Bose, Evektor Aerotechnik i Aerospool predstaviti će
svoje proizvode i iskustva u razgovoru sa sudionicima događaja. Uza sve
Aerodrom Portorož sa partnerima organizira i nagradnu igru za posjetitelje.
Više o svemu na http://www.portoroz-airport.si/si/kontakt/aviation-day/
We are excited to invite you to PORTOROŽ AVIATION DAY, in association with Garmin, Bose, Evektor Aerotechnik, Aerospool and many more.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOur vendors will present their latest news and you will be able to get in touch with event speakers. Vendors will be representing also with static displays.
Complementary landing fees. Raffle with worthy prizes! Come and enjoy exciting Saturday with us!
SATURDAY 17.6.2017
10:00 Coffee and Registration
10:30 Live Static Display of newest Garmin Avionics products
11:00 Garmin seminar by Fabian Kienzle
11:45 Garmin Experience with GLWF by Matevž Lenarčič
14:00 Garmin seminar by Fabian Kienzle
14:45 Garmin Experience with GLWF by Matevž Lenarčič
15:00 Continental diesel engine in general aviation Aeroservice - Matjaž Meze
15:45 Installation of new avionics Aeroservice - Matjaž Meze
16:30 Raffle D2 Bravo Titanium, Garmin Virb Camera, Books-M.Lenarčič and more….
17:00 Garmin BBQ
All day - Static Display (Garmin, Bose, Evektor with G3X and GTN750, Aerospool with G3X Touch and GTN 650…)